Wednesday, January 16, 2013

One Tree Hill

Okay, I know that this show is so "old" (from the early 2000) but it is so good! I'm obsessed I talk about it all the time and can relate anything to it! When I find out people have actually seen it I get so happy! (Don't judge!  It's an "old show" remember?) I wish I lived in the small town of Tree Hill. With Lucas, Nathan,  Peyton,  Brooke,  Mouth, Skills, Karen, Keith, Andy, Deb, Jake and Jenny! Ahhhh! I just love it so much! Half of the time I don't even know why I watch the end of almost every episode I bawl like a baby. The mesaages the show portrays just really get to me *Wipes away a tear* This series has completely dragged me in. Like it is funny, and dramatic, sad, happy all bundled up into one AMAZING t.v. show! I didn't even realize a show could be this great! It's just a good, I had a *enter any adjective positive or negative here* day, I think I'll watch some One Tree Hill. Oh man:) If you've never seen it.. I strongly COMMAND you to go watch it!! It's on Netflix!

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